Thursday, April 28, 2011

Deficient thoughts

NewsCorp announced that it wants to sell for $100 Million. Is anyone else reminded of craigslist? No, I don't mean dead hookers. I mean the innumerable ads posted by people trying to sell their items for illogical sums of money. Sure, Rupert, it may have cost $100 Million retail, but you're in the resale market now, and there's a bit of a recession going on...

Or is there a recession going on? I can't tell. Home prices remain in the gutter, even the occasional marginal increase is still a dismal valley when plotted on a graph of the past 30 years. Wholesale and consumer prices are up on necessities, wages and unemployment are stagnant, and discretionary spending is down.

But the game has been called. Apparently we're 'off that'. The auxiliary verbs are being conjugated in the past tense. Some people are balls-out saying it, some are just hinting at it, and still others are doing that thingy with the auxiliary verbs.

So when the hell are things going to change? When does it go back to the way it was? Never.

8 years of republican 'leadership' bankrupted the workers rights our grandfathers fought (and sometimes even died) for. It privatized our services to the highest bidders while decrying the evils of a relatively fair (and historically LOW) tax structure. It stripped our civil rights. It taught us to believe that America can't, That straight is better than gay, rich is better than poor, and those that have need more while those that have not...well, fuck them.

2 years of a democratic follow up, and Mr ToT's is not quite sure how to feel. Part of me agrees with the "where's our change" singers that interupted that big Obama fundraiser last weekend. Another part of me sympathizes with what he has had to fight. And yet another part of me wonders who would actually want to be President of the US of A right now? Is this man sane enough to warrant sympathy? Is he so arrogant that it would be wasted anyway?

So here's the deal, Big O. I'll give you a year. A year to get out of wall street's pocket. A year to prove that you won't be remembered as the 'great divider'. And I'll support you on the platforms I agree with while quietly ignoring the fact that we are in more wars than we were last year, the enviroment is still getting gang raped by big business, Gitmo is still open, and gay people can't get the tax break I get.

Maybe I expected too much, maybe you have failed to deliver. Time will tell, but time doesn't wait.

One year. Then I'll be forced to pay attention to the farce that is the electoral college system.

Think on, rockers. And rock on, thinkers.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mobile thoughts

This is a test. This is only a test.

New app for posting. This is almost too trendy to bear. Or is it the start of something fantastic? Time, like a kid on the playground, will tell.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finished Thoughts

Life presents the glorious opportunity to learn something new every day, but some days seem built for reflection. They seem to be the days where you're trapped inside of a glass box 13 stories up in the air while the sun shines on the rest of the world. So here are some thoughts:

The only bad thing about an hallucinogen-filled past is getting Phish songs stuck in your head at random 10 years later.

I'll have a beer at lunch if I want. You make me take an hour break in the middle of my day. It's not long enough to continue living my life or be productive, but long enough to have a beer. So pour it up.

People lie too much. There's too much gossip and back-stabbing. But this is not human nature - this is the easy way out. Human nature is to persevere against the odds, live, love, procreate, and sustain. Being a punk is the opposite of human nature. It's time that we demand more from each other.

People who whistle in public deserve to be stabbed.

Kids are never in the way. Up to the age of 16 you're allowed to bump into, or trip over, whomever/whatever the hell you want. The adult should anticipate that shit and move out of the way, or have the emotional maturity to get over it instantly.

Life is good. Keep thinking.

reality thoughts

Based on what tv shows are currently popular, one must assume that humans either have an excellent sense of humor or no self-awareness.