Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final Thoughts

It's been a while. Lot's of stuff happened. More on that some other day.

Today we discuss rapture fail. I'll be brief.

Am I the only atheist that is slightly disappointed that the rapture didn't begin this weekend?

This was our best bet to get rid of all these snivelly, preachy, self-righteous, arrogant, holier-than-though pieces of shit.

I could delve deeper by explaining that evangelism is in direct conflict with much of what "Jesus said" regarding judgment, love for your neighbor, and all that jazz, but instead I'll swear petulantly. I loathe you assholes who think I need your crutches in order to walk on this planet.

I walk just fine. I'm more ethical as a non-crutch walker than I ever was while chugging the Jesus juice. I don't want your god, don't need your god, and haven't noticed that your addiction/reliance/codependency for 'him' is serving you all that well.

Good riddance to fundamentalists of any religion. I wish Harold Camping would have been correct. But instead, those of us cursed to live in the bible belt will still have to wait until noon on Sunday to by beer.

For those of you that believe, discuss it rationally when asked, and use it for good in your life and the lives of others: rock on. But to you evangelicals: piss off. You want rapture? Create it yourself. Please. I'll help you raise the money for all the rat-poisoned kool-aid your little hearts desire.